
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Fashioned nails created havoc in the house

Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

Readers Respectful Hazrat Sahiib’s seminar on mobile (memory card), internet to whom after listening has changed millions of lives. Strange thing is that since along with seminar the primary ultra-name of God is recited.  Wherever these seminars are heard, over there surprisingly homely issues are resolved.  You should also listen to seminar even if it’s in minute quantity. Listen to every day , in your house and car there should always be seminar.

This story is true and real, all the incidents have been changed deliberately with full care. Any kind of resemblances would be only coincidental

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib ASSLAM O ALIKUM, may God save you and your generations from all tensions and problems. And your personality be bestowed upon us. May God keep you and your generations ever-green. And may your generations spread the image of God all over the world.  Believe you me there is not such an instant that we don’t pray for you and for the progress of your generation.  O Allah please keep Ubqari and the whole system of Ubqari till the end of eternity alive and stable. May God take all the system of Ubqari and the system of Ubqari in his protection and keep it save.  May God give you courage and healthy long living life.  Amin Sum Amin.

Respected Hazrat Hakeem sahib now I will introduce myself. My age is 19 years and in this life time I have seen many ups and down. I am a student and now I have taken admission in a local university in my small city. When I was in seventh class then I lost my father then I started to go to school without father. When I reached 10the class then I got distracted, a boy who use d to study in our school.  I became friend s with him. Then this friendship ended in romance. I would definitely like to mention that I was on a very devastating path but I don’t know why I was still following the path. Then may be God liked some pious deed done by my parents and my respect was saved.  After that I started to hate this thing so much so that that only God knows. I had met you four years ago since that time we have been reading Ubqari magazine. Ubqari magazine and seminars of yours have given us so much that we will not leave Ubqari magazine and Tasbeeh Khana.. Before reading Ubqari magazine and getting associated with Tasbeeh khan my religious maters were not good, not saying prayers not reciting Quran, listening to music and singing and dancing when doing it.  I was fanatic about internet. I used to use it for absolutely wrong reasons. There was no protection of eyes. I didn’t read Quran for years and other than that I was involved in many absurd concepts. But by the grace of God I started to hate all these devastating works. So much so that May God saved even the enemies from these works. Now I pray to God that may God save me from distractions. God is almighty and very graceful. So now I tell all HIM my secrets and I have not found anyone more trustworthy and graceful. Now God has granted me so many blessings that I can’t thank God even if I wanted to. Now I want to tell the readers of Ubqari a very strange incident from my life. It was my habit that often I did not cut the nails of mine and as fashion statement. And even my nails were very pretty. There was huge fight between my mother and brother. My brother gave such bad and nasty abuses and insulted food a lot.  This was the month of Ramadan all the neighbors used to hear the abuses. My mother was helpless she used to weep with tears. I could not see my mother’s state. My mother used to hear seminars of Ubqari coming live on internet in morning and evening (meaning after sehri and traweeh) on the website of Ubqari live. While listening to seminar dozed off. I saw a dream and I saw you. You advised me that “do not keep such long nails” then I woke up. First I thought that I saw the dream for no reason. And it is just my complex. When the quarrel got out of hand and brother threatened to expel us out of the house. Even though brother lives happily in his house and in a separate portion and neither his wife has an issue with or nor we have no problem with him.  Then I remembered that dream and your advice. Hence then on the spot I cut the nails. The day I got my nails cut, was the day of Eid. So who would know since that day my circumstances changed, Brother was advised with love. And in this matter solving with peace within mother and brother there was the hand of my sister in law. Brother asked forgiveness from my mother while weeping with tears in eyes. Our house was saved from destruction. This fight had continued for weeks and there was situation of mourning in the house.  During this time I learned how to ask from God in solitude and while crying in the nights of Ramadan from my graceful God to remove the tensions of my mother. Since that day has passed I say thanks to my God. That HE blissful sent you in my dreams and the reason for the issue of solving this dispute which were my grown nails I was ordered to cut them. And the moment I cut my nails since that day there have not been any fight in our house and everyone has been living with ease and dignity and with love. All I wanted to say was that you are number one and your message is also number one. May God make you a source just like this. I would like t request that growing nails become the reason of quarrels in the house.

Do publish these words so that humanity advantages from it. God knows how many people were taught by you the way to spend life. And who knows how many distracted lives were changed. May God keep your generations heavy and prosperous. And your wealth, respect, money and generations filled with bliss. I could not think that my life could be like this. And my youth could be like this that I will always be busy in prayer, string of beads praying. Just pray that for my rest of my life I would be saved from distraction. Ubqari long live

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